Steps to Install ImageMagick on UwAmp for Windows:
as of March 31, 2016
Detailed guide for newbies like me.
... continued
4. Goto:
as of today, latest is 3.4.1 so I went to:
My PHP version is: 5.6.18, and Thread Safety is Yes from
Step #1, so I downloaded:
5.6 Thread Safe (TS) x86
I got:
5. Unzip and copy "php_imagick.dll" to the php extension folder:
In my case:
php_imagick.dll --> C:\UwAmp\bin\php\php-5.6.18\ext
Note: this ZIP also contains dlls which other guides says
to extract to the extension folder of apache.
NO NEED TO DO IT. Step #3 has taken care of it.
6. Edit "php.ini" and add at the very end (could be
anywhere I suppose):
For super newbies: click the edit button in the UwAmp UI,
"php_uwamp.ini" will open and edit it. It will be copied to
the correct php.ini when UwAmp is restarted. I had
trouble at first since there are several php*.ini scattered
all over.
7. Restart Apache
8. Check PHPInfo
scroll to section (or find): imagick
number of supported formats: 234
If there is no "imagick" section or "supported format" is 0,
something went wrong.
Hope this helps.