You can catch both exceptions and errors by catching(Throwable)
PHP 7 changes how most errors are reported by PHP. Instead of reporting errors through the traditional error reporting mechanism used by PHP 5, most errors are now reported by throwing Error exceptions.
As with normal exceptions, these Error exceptions
will bubble up until they reach the first matching
block. If there are no matching blocks, then any default exception handler
installed with set_exception_handler() will be called,
and if there is no default exception handler, then the exception will be
converted to a fatal error and will be handled like a traditional error.
As the Error hierarchy does not inherit from
Exception, code that uses
catch (Exception $e) { ... }
blocks to handle uncaught
exceptions in PHP 5 will find that these Errors are
not caught by these blocks. Either a catch (Error $e) { ... }
block or a set_exception_handler() handler is required.
You can catch both exceptions and errors by catching(Throwable)
Throwable does not work on PHP 5.x.
To catch both exceptions and errors in PHP 5.x and 7, add a catch block for Exception AFTER catching Throwable first.
Once PHP 5.x support is no longer needed, the block catching Exception can be removed.
// Code that may throw an Exception or Error.
catch (Throwable $t)
// Executed only in PHP 7, will not match in PHP 5
catch (Exception $e)
// Executed only in PHP 5, will not be reached in PHP 7
An excellent blog post on the difference between exceptions, throwables and how PHP 7 handles these can be found here:
set_error_handler(function(int $number, string $message) {
echo "Handler captured error $number: '$message'" . PHP_EOL ;
try {
echo $x; # notice, handled on callable
pg_exec(null, null); # warning, handled on callable
fho(); # fatal error, stop running and catched
} catch (Throwable $e) {
echo "Captured Throwable: " . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;
set_error_handler will also works without try and catch
php 7.1
try {
// Code that may throw an Exception or ArithmeticError.
} catch (ArithmeticError | Exception $e) {
// pass